Government Support (Updated December 15, 2020)

CRIC has highlighted the current programs offered by the Government of Canada that we believe will offer the most benefit to businesses in our industry. CRIC is also advocating for additional support for our industry bearing in mind those primarily involved in face-to-face research will be especially impacted by COVID-19. Read the letter CRIC sent to Canada’s Prime Minister on April 10, 2020 requesting support for our industry.

We will add additional programs to this page as they are made available. We also encourage members to review additional stimulus programs offered by provincial governments.

View the full Government of Canada’s Economic Response Plan for full details. Specific programs include:

Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) (extended to June 2021)

On November 19, 2020, the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy was extended to June 2021. The maximum subsidy rate for periods 8 to 10 will remain will remain at 65% (40% base rate + 25% top-up). The deadline to apply is January 31, 2021, or 180 days after the end of the claim period, whichever comes later.

Canadian Emergency Business Account

As of the December 4, 2020, the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) provides interest-free loans of up to $60,000 (was previously $40,000) to businesses that had payrolls between $20,000 and $1.5 million in 2019. Repaying the balance of the loan on or before December 31, 2022 will result in loan forgiveness of up to $20,000. Business owners can apply for the CEBA through their banks and credit unions.

Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)

The Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) provides a subsidy on commercial rent or property expenses to businesses who have seen drop in revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Contact Us

For more information, contact us at [email protected]