
CRIC Canadian Code of Market, Opinion, and Social Research and Data Analytics

With the full support of ESOMAR, the Canadian Research and Insights Council (CRIC) is pleased to adopt the ICC/ESOMAR International Code of Market, Opinion, and Social Research and Data Analytics as the CRIC Canadian Code of Market, Opinion, and Social Research and Data Analytics (the CRIC Code).

The CRIC Code serves as the foundation of the CRIC Standards. The CRIC Standards also include:

CRIC Public Opinion Research Standards and Disclosure Requirements that define the Canadian specific requirements for companies who publish research into the public domain.

CRIC requirements for Reporting Survey Precision and on the Use of Open-Link Surveys

ISO 20252:2019 Market, Opinion and Social Research, including insights and data analytics that establishes terms, definitions and service requirements for companies conducting market, opinion and social research, including insights and data analytics. All CRIC Accredited Agency and Associate Agency members must comply with this standard.

Other best practices CRIC supports: 

Guiding Principles for Artificial Intelligence Use in Market Research

CRIC has issued a guideline for conducting research with children and other vulnerable people in Canada that builds upon Artice 2 of the CRIC Code.

To view the ESOMAR questions for buyers and users of online sample to evaluate the quality of online panels please visit.  

CRIC Pledge to Canadians

The CRIC Pledge to Canadians highlights the commitment of CRIC member companies to the highest ethical standards and helps Canadians distinguish requests to participate in legitimate research from other requests they receive. CRIC member companies are encouraged to demonstrate their support for the CRIC Pledge by mentioning it when they invite individuals to participate in research. CRIC member companies should also include a link to the CRIC Pledge to Canadians on their website and have it available in locations where they conduct research with Canadians.

Contact Us

For more information, contact us at [email protected]