CRIC Complaint Handling Process

Submitting Complaints

CRIC encourages any complainant to first address any questions or concerns directly with the CRIC member company.  They can do so using the CRIC Research Verification Service (RVS).  If they know the RVS project code, they can provide feedback directly to the staff responsible for a particular research project. If they do not know the RVS Project Code, they can provide feedback to the RVS contact for the CRIC member by selecting the company in the RVS Company Directory and using the feedback form.

Where a complainant is not sure what company is involved, the company is not a CRIC member or if the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved by the CRIC member, they are encouraged to submit the complaint to CRIC using the RVS General Feedback form.

Procedures for responding to Complaints Submitted to CRIC

When a question or complaint requiring a response is received, CRIC staff will respond within two business days of receipt.  If required, CRIC staff will contact the individual submitting the complaint to gather additional information.  If the complaint is related to a CRIC member, CRIC staff will contact the member, investigate the complaint, and work with the member to propose a resolution.  If the complaint is related to a non-member, CRIC staff will, where reasonable, work with the non-member and complainant to try to find a resolution.

Escalation Procedures

Complaints against a CRIC member.

Where CRIC staff is unable to resolve a complaint involving compliance of a CRIC member with CRIC Standards, CRIC staff will first consult with the CRIC Standards Chair (or another member of the Standards Committee if the complaint involves the company of the CRIC Standards Chair).  If a satisfactory solution cannot be identified, the complaint will be brought forward to the CRIC Standard Committee.  Where possible the name of the complainant and the CRIC member will not be disclosed. 

If the complaint cannot be resolved by the CRIC Standards Committee or if the complaint involved a serious violation of CRIC Standards, the complaint and recommendation of the Standards Committee will be brought forward to the CRIC Board of Directors.  The CRIC Board will review the complaint and either decide on it or have the complaint brought forward to the ESOMAR disciplinary for independent adjudication. 

Complaints against a non-member

Where CRIC staff is unable to resolve a complaint involving practices of a non-member that violate CRIC standards, CRIC staff will first consult with the CRIC Standards chair.  If a satisfactory solution cannot be identified, the complaint will be brought forward to the CRIC Standards Committee.  If the complaint cannot be resolved by the CRIC Standards Committee or if the complaint involves a serious violation of CRIC Standards, the complaint and the recommendation of the Standards Committee will be brought forward to the CRIC Board of Directors.  The CRIC Board will review the complaint and decide if CRIC should take further actions.

Applying Sanctions

Where complaints involve a violation of CRIC Standards by a CRIC member, the CRIC Board may decide to impose sanctions on a CRIC member company.  The sanctions could include expulsion of the member company and a public statement advising the industry and key stakeholders of the violation.  The CRIC Board may also outline actions that the member must take for it to continue/resume its membership in CRIC.

Where complaints involve a violation of CRIC Standards by a non-member, the CRIC Board may decide to issue a public statement advising the industry and key stakeholders of the violation. 


CRIC staff will keep a log of all complaints that includes the date made, date resolved, company(ies) involved and the nature of the complaint.  CRIC staff will prepare an annual report for the CRIC Standards Committee showing a summary of the types of complaints received and how they were resolved.

Contact Us

For more information, contact us at [email protected]