The Role of Insights in Knowledge Management, Data Quality and Data Diversity

The Role of Insights in Knowledge Management, Data Quality and Data Diversity

This webinar will look at how insights are shaping three aspects of data management for marketing researchers – knowledge management, data quality and data diversity to improve decision-making.

As regulations evolve and technology adoption grows in some markets more than others, regulations vary in how they protect the transfer and flow of personal information of research respondents across virtual and physical environments, through active and passive data collection. Andrew Grenville, will discuss through a cross-disciplinary (art-meets-science lens) how data diversity fuels the insights engine as data quality intersects with the quality of insights and their resulting actions to yield impact and change for organizations.

Sample quality is tracked repeatedly overtime to determine best practices in sample design and recruitment particularly with the management of panels and non-probability samples in the age of “disruption”. How should organizations stay on top of their sampling, recruitment and retention strategies to ensure their data quality does not suffer? Brian Lamar will take a deep dive into the industry benchmarks for managing sample quality when using blended samples to maximize data quality.

Finally, as we move from information to knowledge and wisdom, what kinds of intelligence capital is good for organizations post-COVID19 in times of information overload? How can intelligence capital help researchers improve decision-making? Crispin Beale will trace the origins and implications of intelligence capital for success post the pandemic.   

This 1 hour webinar will discuss through diverse subject matter research leaders the changing role of insights through knowledge management, data quality and data diversity first through presentations and then a moderated discussion. This event will serve as an effective toolkit for insights professionals and brands looking to create a more trusted industry marketplace where increasingly all these three functions intersect.

Visit this link for a preview of the event on Intellicast

Topics covered during the webinar:

  • Contextualizing contemporary insights from diverse sources in ethical marketing research
  • Blended sampling practices and opportunities in maximizing data quality when working with more than one panel for unique business needs
  • Powering the insights engine through data quality and data diversity
  • Renovating and remodelling insights for the information age

Register to view this webinar on-demand.

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