
CEO Forum Dinner – November 26, 2023

6pm at Oliver & Bonacini Café Grill located at 33 Yonge Street (at Front Street)

CRIC CEO Forum – November 27, 2023

Location: King Gallery at One King West

8:00am-8:30am – Networking Breakfast

8:30am-8:45am – Welcome

8:45am-10:15amDifferent Generational Approaches to Work:™ Leading & Engaging Multigenerational Employees – facilitated by Giselle Kovary, M.A., Head of Learning & Development, Optimus SBR.

Organizations today face the challenge of creating high-performing environments that produce results. Your workforce is comprised of different generations, which may include Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials and Gen Zs. Each of these cohorts possesses unique identities that translate into different behaviours in the workplace. It is important for every leader to be able to tap into the values and expectations of their multigenerational team members in order to increase levels of engagement and performance, especially as Millennials represent an increasing share of your workforce and Gen Zs are your future workforce.

This highly interactive presentation begins with an overview of the different generations and how the generational identities translate into behaviours in the workplace, as it relates to loyalty, authority and work styles. We focus on what Millennials value and desire from their leaders and share new research on Gen Zs. We then explore how to demonstrate organizational engagement to ensure leadership practices are transparent, responsive and partnering. We also discuss how the workplace reality has changed to one in which employees view themselves as equal partners in the employment relationship and the impact that has on day-to-day leadership practices.

Participants will leave the session with engagement tips and the top five leadership tips that can be applied right away.

10:15am-10:30am – Morning Break

10:30am-12:00pmThe Impacts of AI on Insights – facilitated by Paul Acerbi, EVP, Client Organization, Ipsos

Amara’s Law states, “We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run” With Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolutionizing how we gather, identify, and communicate insights, what can we do as an association to ensure our members are best prepared for the true impact of this technological revolution? This session will focus on the industry-wide implications to the advancements in AI. Paul Acerbi, who is leading the adoption of AI for Ipsos in Canada, will provide insights into the potential risks and challenges that AI brings (to our industry and to society) and share Ipsos’ Framework for evaluating AI. As a group we will then discuss how AI can create both opportunities and risks for our industry and explore ways to mitigate those risks.

During the session, we will address several key questions: What are the major risks that insight leaders must be aware of and manage? How can we ensure that our use of AI complies with legislation and meets client expectations and requirements? As an industry, should we look at self-regulation to increase trust in our use of AI and if so, what would that look like?

12pm-12:45pm – Lunch

12:45pm-1:45pmManaging Pricing Pressure and Maximizing ROI (Return on Insights) – With many economists warning of a possible recession in Canada’s future, companies are being especially careful in managing their budgets. While economic uncertainty is impacting budgets, the need for insights in these uncertain times is greater than ever. More than ever client-side researchers will be looking to maximize their Return on Insights. This panel featuring Margaret Tso, CAIP, Senior Manager, Consumer Insights, Cadillac Fairview and Audrey Choong, CAIP, Consumer Insights Lead, Aldo will explore how agencies can work with clients to deliver the value clients expect. Diana Lucaci, CEO, True Impact, will moderate the panel.

1:45pm-2:45pmAddressing the Threat to Data Quality – Quality data is at the heart of what we do but the challenges to data quality are growing. Fraud is getting more sophisticated and cost pressures can lead to data that might not be fit for purpose. This session will start with a brief update on the Global Data Quality Initiative in which CRIC is working with leading associations around the world to address these challenges. Greg Matheson, CoCEO of Quest Mindshare and Chair of the CRIC Online Research Committee, Sam Pisani, CAIP, Managing Parter, The Logit Group and Rob Berger, EVP, Global Qualitative, Sago will then review challenges and lead a discussion on solutions.

2:45pm-3:00pm – Afternoon Break

3:00pm-3:45pmCRIC Advocacy Agenda – facilitated by Greg Jodouin, President PACE Public Affairs & Community Engagement and John Tabone, CEO of CRIC.
Greg Jodouin, CRIC’s Government Relation’s advisor, along with John Tabone, CRIC’s CEO, will provide an update on key Government Relation and advocacy topics and invite questions and feedback from leaders on advocacy priorities for CRIC. Topics will include an update on the new federal privacy legislation, AI legislation, call blocking/labeling, gig economy legislation and more.

3:45pm-4:00pm – Closing comments and feedback on session.