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ResTech Showcase Presenter Details

CRIC ResTech Showcase Presenter Information

Please contact if you have any questions.

We're excited that you'll be presenting at the ResTech showcase! We want to attract the right audience and to this end, please provide us the following information as soon as possible so that it can be included in our upcoming communications. If we don't have it, it won't be communicated! So please get it to us ASAP. Please note that for length purposes, not everything provided may be included and we reserve the right to make the final decision.

Company Information

Company Address

Contact Information

Primary Contact(Nécessaire)
The primary contact is the person we'd contact if we have any questions on this form or if we have additional questions.
Primary Contact Email(Nécessaire)
Add a different contact for billing purposes?
Billing Contact (If different than primary contact)
Billing Contact Email

Session Title, Description, Presenters and Logo.

Types de fichiers acceptés : jpg, jpeg, png, gif, Taille max. des fichiers : 256 MB.
Please upload a high-quality file of your company logo that we would include in promotional communications.
Describe enter the name of your session
Déposer les fichiers ici ou
Types de fichiers acceptés : jpg, jpeg, png, gif, Taille max. des fichiers : 256 MB, Max. des fichiers : 3.
    Please upload the images of the individuals from your company who will present. You can attach up to 3 photos.
    Describe enter the name of your session
    Please including a brief description of what attendees will learn from attending your session.

    Sales Contact

    Please include the contact name and phone and/or email address that attendees should use if they would like to reach out to get more information about your products/services.

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